Margarita de la Pisa
I was born in 1975. I am the fourth of six siblings. I lived all my childhood in Madrid (Aravaca) and I went to Mater Salvatoris school, whom I thank, together with my family, for their spiritual and moral formation, the soil that allowed me to build my life and set priorities. With a clear vocation for science, I studied the degree in Pharmacy at the Complutense University of Madrid, specialising in biotechnology. I started working in Lilly (pharmaceutical industry) as a medical visitor as soon as I finished the career and I was 5 years there, an experience that changed the perception of professional development that I initially had in a laboratory, but which eventually ended visiting health centres and tightening hands, understanding human behaviour and the power of the word, which have been the most valuable tools that I gained in these years. I then joined Gelos, a national laboratory, where I was promoted as regional sales manager. I married while I had this job, but a career opportunity arouse for my husband in France and did not hesitate to dedicate me for some years 100% to my family. I then looked for a professional alternative that would be adapted to the time required by the children and had a pharmacy office in a small village in the province of León. This stage was also special for my collaboration with Red Madre, where my relationship with mothers in difficulty, corroborated me how simple is to help such people facing an impasse just holding their hands and changing their course. While, as part of my time spent on my children, I have collaborated with their school on an own educational project called Abre tus Alas. In order to strengthen the project, I studied Learning Neuropsychology in the Unir, which allowed me understanding the child and the human being in another much more understandable dimension. I take part as a moderator in family orientation courses (first steps: the game) of IFFD. The Master’s degree for Women and Leadership in Aliter opened my eyes to the importance of giving the world women who retain their femineity and sensitivity in leadership.
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30 NOV 2020
Pequeña descripción sobre su cargo o experiencia en ese período.
30 NOV 2020
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30 NOV 2020
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30 NOV 2020
Pequeña descripción sobre su cargo o experiencia en ese período.
30 NOV 2020
Pequeña descripción sobre su cargo o experiencia en ese período.
30 NOV 2020
Pequeña descripción sobre su cargo o experiencia en ese período.
30 NOV 2020
Pequeña descripción sobre su cargo o experiencia en ese período.
30 NOV 2020
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Risus commodo viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis.
Master’s Degree in Neuropsychology and Education
Unir 2015
Degree in Pharmacy – Biotechnology Specialty
Complutense University of Madrid 1993-1999
Emotional education in the classroom
Unir 2015
Manipulative Mathematics I and II
Learning Mathematics 2014
Montessori Method
University of Leon 2013
First Letters
Cesfa 2012
First Steps
Cesfa 2011
Marital Relationships
Cesfa 2010
Speaking in public
Autonomous Community of Madrid 2003
Team Leadership
Gelos 2003
Social Styles. Lilly 2002
Lilly 2002
Business Management I and II
Lilly 2002
Lilly 2001
Versatile Seller
Lilly 2000
Lilly 2000
Monitoring of Clinical Tests
Staticon International 1999
Educational projects and Design of teaching materials and units. Peñacorada International College.
Joarilla de las Matas, León.
“Los niños son como las estrellas”.
Laboratorios Gelos, S.L.
Sales Department. Manager of Area: area Madrid-North.
Lilly, Madrid.
SPAINSOFT, Marketing and Sales Department of Madrid.
Entidad Certificación ISO 9000. Newark. Inglaterra.
Inglés y Francés.
Office: Word, Excel, Power Point.
Diseño y fotografía: Photoshop, Pic-collage, Fotoprix…
Video: Edición Splice.
Diseño Web: Wix.
Presentaciones: Prezi.
Madre de 7 hijos.
Carnet de conducir B1.
Disponibilidad de coche.